
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Journal of Sports Economics article "Efficiency and Managerial Performance in FBS College Football" is now available online.

This article develops a model of managerial efficiency for National Collegiate Athletic Association’s top division college football coaches. The derived efficiency measures are then linked to the hiring and firing process. The work concludes with an evaluation of the effect of head coach succession on team performance. This study evaluates coaching efficiency in terms of both use of talent and recruiting talent. The constructed efficiency rankings are used to evaluate hiring and firing decisions and determine the degree that each type of efficiency plays in these decisions. Last, the efficiency of the market is assessed by evaluating whether universities are making a good choice and are able on average to improve performance when replacing an under-performing coach. The empirical results indicate that both constructs of efficiency matter. Coaches who exhibit high level of both types of efficiencies regularly move up to the most lucrative jobs. Replacement of a poor performing coach is most often a wise decision.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Data Appendix: College Football Coaches Ranked- Journal of Sport Economics Paper

My article "Efficiency and Managerial Performance in FBS College Football: To the Employment and Succession Decisions, which Matters the Most, Coaching or Recruiting? will be published in 2013 in the Journal of Sports Economics.  I rank all NCAA FBS coaches in terms of their ability to coach (convert their available talent to wins) and to recruit talent. Tests are run to see how each measure influences hiring and firing decisions. The paper's tables lists the 10 best and 10 worst coaches in both categories for the most recent three years. I am posting the appendix here that includes the entire rankings of all FBS coaches from 2005-2011. There are two tables, the first rank coaches in order of efficiency of talent use and table 2 ranks them in order of recruiting efficiency for each year.